
AgPlan is an easy business plan app that anyone can use.

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100,000+ business plans have been created using AgPlan

- AgPlan makes it easy for you -

  • Develop your own Business Plan
  • Learn what you need to include in your Plan with Tips & Resources
  • View Sample Plans for ideas
  • Share your Plan — print, download and work with your own Reviewers

AgPlan Features

Business-Type Templates

AgPlan is designed to provide customized assistance to different types of businesses.

  • Ag - Commodity
  • Ag - Value-Added
  • Organic Transition
  • Personal Plan
  • Small Business


Our feature-rich type editor acts just like your computer's word processor. For each section of your business plan write a concise statement that will let readers quickly understand the key points you want to communicate.

Tips, Resources & Samples

Each section of your AgPlan business plan includes Tips, Resources & Samples to help you create the best business plan possible!


AgPlan allows you to share your business plan and interact with your business advisors, educators, or consultants.


Developing Your Business Plan with AgPlan – video series

A business plan is your opportunity to tell the world about what your business is all about.

  • How do I get started writing my plan?
  • What type of information do I need to include?
  • Do I really need a business plan?

"Developing Your Business Plan" will teach you how to tell your story when creating your plan.

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